Research Projects

Studying the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Chronic Pain

Neuronal Plasticity Group, Department of Physiology, University of Bern

Dec 2022 - Present

Studied the neural mechanisms of chronic pain and its relief, using miniscope, fiber photometry, patch clamp and other techniques, with a focus on the ACC-PAG circuitry.

Investigating the Neural Mechanisms in Reward-Based Learning

Laboratory of Behavioral Genetics&Laboratory of Sensory Processing, EPFL

June 2018 - Dec 2022

Investigated the neural mechanisms underlying the individual differences in reward-based learning tasks...

Understanding the Late-Associativity in Auditory-Amygdala Circuits

CAS Key Laboratory of Brain Function&Diseases, USTC

Sept 2015 - Dec 2017

Investigated the temporal requirements for fear conditioning association...

Developing a Psycho-Physiology Recording Platform for Rodents

Cell Electrophysiology Laboratory, Wannan Medical College

Nov 2010 - June 2013

Established a platform for synchronized recording of central neural activities and peripheral functions...